
This week at motocross my dad came second against pro's but instead of watching every race we built jumps for a 6 year old's push bike. It was a lot smaller than my bike but we did tricks like no hander, no footer, whips, and a tail whip witch not one of us got close to landing so we tried 180, 360 but we could not land the 360 the bike is a freestyle bike
so to be stupid my friend said to do backflips so I tried and did half of 1 and crashed but the I did it 8 times and nearly got it but crashed and said I cant even win a my own stupid sport because I was the best there and after I tried to do a bar spin and I did a 270 but the bar landed on my nuts and then did it again and land it but went up a burn and crashed again so I did not do that again instead we videoed us doing whips and if you go on you tube and go to bmx whips me and my friends are on it the first people who come up but we might be at the end so yer. in the end we just my dad got second I brushed every bone in my body and I am very sore.